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Bypass PointBlank, Facebook, Icmp dan DNS di Router Mikrotik

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  Bypass PointBlank, Facebook, Icmp dan DNS di Router Mikrotik   Empty Bypass PointBlank, Facebook, Icmp dan DNS di Router Mikrotik

Post by ╬™MR-X™╬ Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:33 pm

Bypass PointBlank, Facebook, Icmp dan DNS di Router Mikrotik

Sekedar berbagi ilmu pengetahuan

"Biar nggak bingung cari aja dulu di paman google tentang router mikrotik"

tutorial :

/ ip firewall mangle
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=browsing passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=443 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=browsing passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=21 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=browsing passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=6667-7000 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=browsing passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting routing-mark=browsing action=mark-connection \
new-connection-mark=http passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no

======= packet mark facebook menggunakan content di routing http =====
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=http \
action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=fb passthrough=no comment="" \
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=http action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=fb passthrough=no comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=http action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=http-packet passthrough=no comment="" disabled=no

======= routing mark game poker berdasarkan port thx to temona =====
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=9339 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=poker passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=843 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=poker passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting routing-mark=poker action=mark-connection \
new-connection-mark=poker passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=poker action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=poker passthrough=no comment="" disabled=no

======= routing mark game pointblank hanya port tcp 39190 hrsnya ada port udp thx to temona ======
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=39190 action=mark-routing \
new-routing-mark=pb passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting routing-mark=pb action=mark-connection \
new-connection-mark=pb passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=pb action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=pb \
passthrough=no comment="" disabled=no

======= queue simple bypass bandwidthnya =============
/ queue simple
add name="queue1" dst-address= interface=all parent=none \
packet-marks=service direction=both priority=8 \
queue=default-small/default-small limit-at=0/0 max-limit=0/0 \
total-queue=default-small disabled=no
add name="queue2" dst-address= interface=all parent=none \
packet-marks=poker direction=both priority=1 \
queue=default-small/default-small limit-at=0/0 max-limit=0/0 \
total-queue=default-small disabled=no
add name="queue3" dst-address= interface=all parent=none \
packet-marks=pb direction=both priority=2 \
queue=default-small/default-small limit-at=0/0 max-limit=0/0 \
total-queue=default-small disabled=no
add name="queue4" dst-address= interface=all parent=none \
packet-marks=fb direction=both priority=8 \
queue=default-small/default-small limit-at=0/0 max-limit=0/0 \
total-queue=default-small disabled=no
  Bypass PointBlank, Facebook, Icmp dan DNS di Router Mikrotik   Photo9104wy
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Posts : 86
Point : 211
Reputation : 8
Join date : 06.11.10
Age : 29

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